martes, 17 de marzo de 2015

Dubbing of the solidary scene from ‘Coach Carter’

We have been working in the dubbing of solidary scenes of famous films like ‘Coach Carter’. We chose this scene because it’s the best example of how the people of a team help each other without caring for the consequences. Like the pupils of our team (Duncans in Europe), all of us help each other and each person has an specific task.                                                        
In this scene Channing Tatum is the first player who decides to help Cruz to do all the necessary exercises so that he will be able to return to the team. When the rest of the players see this they start to do the same, and finally all the players work together to help Cruz. They act like a true team.
From Pare Vitoria team we are trying to promote this type of behavior to the rest of pupils doing this type of activities. We hope you like it. 

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