sábado, 28 de marzo de 2015


This activity required great preparation and an enormous amount of effort from our team’s members.

In addition to promoting solidarity, Euroscola contest also focuses on other aspects that will help us become European citizens, for example promoting insertion in the work market for young people and related to this one improving the mastery of foreign languages without forgetting the stimulating the European Dimension.
The following activity caters for all the mentioned purposes. Our school is involved in an Erasmus + project with a school in Holland, and when our Dutch partners came to visit us, we took advantage of this opportunity. In the first place we established close relations with our Dutch friends, and secondly we decided to share with them some of Europe’s heritage that can be found in our hometown.
A traditional activity which is done in our High School is a guided tour in the graveyard in our town. In that visit the History teacher talks about the modernist statues in the outstanding sepulchral vaults and talks about the history of our city.
In order to prepare before our Dutch friends came to Alcoy, we visited the graveyard with our history teacher and we took notes to prepare our speeches later, then we divided the work among the team members and we translated our notes into English, after that we had to rehearse a bit before the great day.
When our Dutch partners visited Alcoy they had a busy program that included lots of activities, one of them was the visit to the graveyard, but this time we played the role of hosts and each member of the Duncans team explained a different part of our graveyard.

Here you have some videos and photos so that you can witness what happened that day.




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