lunes, 30 de marzo de 2015

University Visit

One of the main activities within our initiative was the visit to the Polytechnic University of Valencia. There Professor Boronat had the great kindness to host us and accompany us during our visit.
Before going to the University we prepared some brochures where we explained some of the actions the European Union carries out in terms of solidarity and we also described our initiative for the Euroscola contest. They were ready just in time to be shared with college students.
Dr. Boronat was extremely thoughtful and for this special day he booked the Assembly hall of the University for us. There we gathered an intimidating number of college students and we read our speeches in front of this crowd.
To open the conference Lucia read a short introduction in the Assembly Hall. 
You can see her under these lines


Then Mar prepared a speech where she explained some details about the actions of the European Union in terms of solidarity. You can have a peek at her speech under these lines.


Then we handed our host one of our brochures as you can see in the photo. And we left some of them in Campus to disseminate our initiative.


Speaking in public in such a big hall in front of an audience using microphones  was a bit scary and we were very nervous about that, but it turned out to be a success and a wonderful experience.
Here you can see some photos of that day.

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